
Showing posts from April, 2018

Magnificent Journeys Through INDIAN Railways

Summer is already here, and the long weekends feature prominently on the calendar. In case you are looking for some getaways, we bring to you some magnificent, spectacular and picturesque train journeys across the country. Train journeys might not be as swift as flight journeys, but they undeniably have a sense of romanticism associated with them. Perhaps it is the time a journey takes, or the fact that one generally ends up finding interesting company, or plainly the stunning visuals that one encounters while travelling — train journeys often prove to be extremely fulfilling. Summer is already here, and there are a fair number of long weekends feature prominently on the calendar, other than the much-awaited summer holidays. In case you are looking for some getaways, we bring to you some spectacular train journeys. Take your pick. Himsagar Express: Kanyakumari – Kashmir Have you ever wondered how would it be to travel from the southern tip of the country to the extrem